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The launches in London and Boston were
The launches in London and Boston were just that; the beginning of an education and advocacy campaign intended to highlight the pivotal role of surgical care in health system strengthening. The formal Commission report, 32 000 words of synthesis, analysis, recommendations, and indicators, is only on
La propia Mirna Paiz rescata en sus memorias cu l
La propia Mirna Paiz rescata en sus memorias cuál fue su papel en la guerrilla, dejando claro que si bien en algunas ocasiones tuvo tsa hdac su cargo la administración y distribución de medicinas, su labor no era ser costurera. La decisión editorial de cubrir su rostro e incluso excluirla del único
En Por qu construir un
En “\"Por qué construir un pueblo es la tarea de la política radical?”, Laclau profundiza una tensión en su teoría en el marco de la respuesta PF-670462 Slavoj zžek. Por un lado, la formalidad de la lógica populista, en principio, impide predicar sus alcances en cuanto a la democracia (tanto en un s
In conclusion beta lactamase harboring bacteria exhibit
In conclusion, beta-lactamase-harboring bacteria exhibit a strong drug resistance pattern against different groups of antibiotics. Besides the production of resistance-related enzymes, these bacteria release pigments and also express different virulence Fenofibrate that might be the cause of develop
Atrial fibrosis is one of
Atrial fibrosis is one of the fundamental mechanisms for the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation (AF), but the underlying electrophysiological changes involved are not completely understood. Aging, neurohumoral activation, and chronic atrial stretch due to structural heart disease activate various s
La representaci n colectiva de los ind genas
La representación colectiva de los indígenas se caracteriza por el tono apologético, idealizado, en el que el uso abundante de los superlativos contribuye AP26113 resaltar hiperbólicamente la naturaleza pacífica del nativo como “buen salvaje”: Siguiendo el esquema de las oposiciones binarias, Las C
El n mero de correspondiente al primer
El número 58 de correspondiente al primer semestre de 2014, ofrece la sección Movimientos sociales y democracia en América Latina, en la cual se encuentran temas de gran relevancia política y social para nuestra América. En primer lugar, el artículo “Sentidos de lugar y movimiento social: indígenas
br Prognosis The management of AML
Prognosis The management of AML in the elderly patient presents a significant challenge for hematologists. Careful evaluation of both patient and disease is required in each individual case to make optimal management decisions, and maximize the benefit to the patient. Apart from the extremely old
In a study of the atrial pacing
In a study of the atrial pacing preference (APP) algorithm, Ogawa et al. [12] randomly programmed pacemakers as APP OFF and APP ON at 3 different settings (8, 16, and 33 cycles). The authors found that the most effective setting differed according to the patient and thus concluded that this therapy
Although a well experienced group reported a
Although a well experienced group reported a very high success rate of 80% after catheter ablation even in patients with congestive heart failure [40], the evidence described above suggests that catheter ablation alone is not sufficient to treat AF in patients with hemodynamic deterioration. This in
br Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Sarah Mack for technical assistance with the histology and IHC. We would also like to acknowledge Dr. Gregory Dieudonne in the Department of Musculoskeletal Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center for advice and assistance in manuscript wr
Introduction Cardiac resynchronization therapy CRT
Introduction Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) reduces mortality and morbidity in selected heart failure patients with impaired left ventricular (LV) function and cardiac dyssynchrony [1]. Most patients receive CRT with a defibrillator (CRT-D) because the indications for an implantable cardio
Most forms of AVNRT are created by
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between two (or more) atrial connections to the AV node. The fast AV nodal pathway (shortest conduction time) is formed by transitional cells crossing the tendon of Todaro superiorly. Two slow AV nodal pathways are formed by the rightward and leftward infer
Pellicer poetiza el sue o y
Pellicer poetiza el sueño y la rivalidad entre Tezozómoc y Nezahualcóyotl, limitándose, como Casal, Cy5 amine (non-sulfonated) describir la escena de su agonía y muerte. Primero, describe el miedo del usurpador y su arrepentimiento por apoderarse del reino de Texcoco injustamente: El escritor tambi
En otros casos como en de scar
En otros casos, como en de Óscar de Pablo (1979), predomina el referente histórico como una prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase para desarrollar tramas narrativas muy complejas, donde puede mezclarse poesía y reflexión social; en “Nadie (que yo conozca) es Tolomeo III”, aprovecha la imagen de un f
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